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Our first scene

This tutorial will help us setup our first NGT scene and introduce us to some of its core concepts.

  • We are using Inline Template syntax for this tutorial
  • We will put everything in app.component.ts for simplicity

Create a root component for our Scene graph

Let's start by creating a Component as the root of our Scene graph. We'll put the component in app.component.ts for now

import { Component, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';

standalone: true,
template: ``,
export class SceneGraph {}

export class AppComponent {}
  • The template is intentionally left empty, we'll fill it out later.
  • The selector is intentionally left out because we'll not render our SceneGraph component on the template.
  • CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA is required because Angular does not support custom schemas so our Custom Elements won't work without it.

Set up the Canvas

The scene graph in NGT starts with <ngt-canvas>. Let's render <ngt-canvas> on our app.component.ts template. Make sure to import NgtCanvas from angular-three

import { Component, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';
import { NgtCanvas } from 'angular-three';

export class SceneGraph {}

selector: 'app-root',
standalone: true,
template: `<ngt-canvas [sceneGraph]="SceneGraph" />`,
imports: [NgtCanvas],
export class AppComponent {
readonly SceneGraph = SceneGraph;
  • <ngt-canvas> has a required input [sceneGraph] which accepts a Component class. We pass our SceneGraph component into that input.

ngt-canvas sets up the following:

  • A WebGLRenderer, a default Scene, and a default PerspectiveCamera
  • A render loop that renders our scene evere frame outside of Change Detection
  • A window:resize listener that updates our Renderer and Camera when the viewport is resized

ngt-canvas renders the SceneGraph input in a detached environment from Angular Change Detection. It also provides the custom Angular Renderer to render THREE.js entities instead of DOM elements.

Next, we'll set some basic styles in styles.css

body {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;

ngt-canvas is designed to fit the parent container so we can control our 3D scene by adjusting the parent's dimensions.

<div class="canvas-container">
<ngt-canvas [sceneGraph]="..." />

Extend THREE.js catalogue

NGT is a custom Angular Renderer so it has to have a collection of "what to render", we call it catalogue. By default, the catalogue is empty. We can add elements to the catalogue by calling extend() and pass in a dictionary of THREE entities.

The Renderer then maps the catalogue to Custom Element tags. The convention of our Custom Element tags is:


In Angular 15.1+, we can also use Self Closing tag <ngt-{name-of-the-THREE-element-kebab-case} />

For example:

  • Mesh -> ngt-mesh
  • BoxGeometry -> ngt-box-geometry
import { extend } from 'angular-three';
import { Mesh } from 'three';

extend({ Mesh });
// if we want to render `<ngt-some-mesh>` then we can do
// extend({ SomeMesh: Mesh })

We can extend the entire THREE.js collection with extend(THREE) but that will include everything from THREE namespace in our bundle. For the purpose of this tutorial, we'll be using extend(THREE)

import { Component, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';
import { NgtCanvas, extend } from 'angular-three';
import * as THREE from 'three';


/* the rest of the code */

Adding a Mesh

Now that we have THREE.js in our catalogue, we are ready to render some THREE.js entities. Let's start with adding a THREE.Mesh.

import { Component, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';
import { NgtCanvas, extend } from 'angular-three';
import * as THREE from 'three';


standalone: true,
template: `
export class SceneGraph {}

/* AppComponent code */

THREE.Mesh is one of the most fundamental objects in THREE.js. It is used to hold a Geometry and a Material to represent a shape in the 3D space. For this tutorial, we'll use BoxGeometry, and MeshBasicMaterial to create a cube.

/* imports */


standalone: true,
template: `
<ngt-box-geometry />
<ngt-mesh-basic-material />
export class SceneGraph {}

/* AppComponent code */

At this point, we'll have something on the scene to look at.

Animating our cube

Animation-on-the-web-101: Change the object's properties little by little, frame by frame to animate it in an animation loop.

That's right! NGT renders our Scene graph in an animation loop (typically 60FPS, or 60 frames per second). This means we can change our cube's properties (eg: rotation) little by little to animate it. In NGT, we can use (beforeRender) event binding to tap into this animation loop.

/* imports */
import { NgtCanvas, extend, NgtBeforeRenderEvent } from 'angular-three';


standalone: true,
template: `
<ngt-box-geometry />
<ngt-mesh-basic-material />
export class SceneGraph {
onBeforeRender(event: NgtBeforeRenderEvent<THREE.Mesh>) {
event.object.rotation.x += 0.01;

/* AppComponent code */
  • We listen for (beforeRender) on our ngt-mesh with onBeforeRender() handler.
  • We use $any($event) due to Angular Language Service's limitation.
  • On onBeforeRender(), we type event with NgtBeforeRenderEvent<THREE.Mesh>
    • event.state is the state of our Scene graph; mouse position, clock, delta, scene, camera, the GL renderer etc...
    • event.object is the instance of the object we're attaching (beforeRender) on. In this case, it is a THREE.Mesh
  • We change rotation.x by incrementing it 0.01 radian on every frame. The result is we have a spinning cube

Wow, that was easy! Before we move on, let's pause for a moment to understand what is happening here.

Here are the code of the above scene with Angular Three and plain THREE.js

import { Component, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';
import { NgtCanvas, extend, NgtBeforeRenderEvent } from 'angular-three';
import * as THREE from 'three';


standalone: true,
template: `
<ngt-mesh (beforeRender)="onBeforeRender($any($event))">
<ngt-box-geometry />
<ngt-mesh-basic-material />
export class SceneGraph {
onBeforeRender(event: NgtBeforeRenderEvent<THREE.Mesh>) {
event.object.rotation.x += 0.01;

selector: 'app-root',
standalone: true,
template: `<ngt-canvas [sceneGraph]="SceneGraph" />`,
imports: [NgtCanvas],
export class AppComponent {
readonly SceneGraph = SceneGraph;

Plain THREE.js does not look so bad but it is imperative. By leveraging Angular template, we can express our Scene in a more declarative manner. We can use Angular features like *ngIf, *ngFor, other Directives, DI, and more to allow our Scene to be more dynamic. In addition, the THREE entities expressed in NGT are aware of their life-cycles which allows them to automatically clean up when they are destroyed.

Next section of this tutorial shows an even better reason to use NGT.

Componentize our cube

Using Angular means we can make components out of our template. Let's do that for our cube

/* imports */

selector: 'demo-cube',
standalone: true,
template: `
<ngt-mesh (beforeRender)="onBeforeRender($any($event))">
<ngt-box-geometry />
<ngt-mesh-basic-material />
export class Cube {
onBeforeRender(event: NgtBeforeRenderEvent<THREE.Mesh>) {
event.object.rotation.x += 0.01;

standalone: true,
template: ` <demo-cube /> `,
imports: [Cube],
export class SceneGraph {}

/* AppComponent code */

Everything works as before but now we have a Cube component that can have internal states. We will add two states hovered and active to our Cube component

  • When we hover over the cube, we set hovered to true and vice versa
  • When we click the cube, we toggle the active state
  • When active, we make the cube bigger
  • When hovered, we change the color of the cube
/* imports */

selector: 'demo-cube',
standalone: true,
template: `
(click)="active = !active"
(pointerover)="hovered = true"
(pointerout)="hovered = false"
[scale]="active ? 1.5 : 1"
<ngt-box-geometry />
<ngt-mesh-basic-material [color]="hovered ? 'darkred' : 'red'" />
export class Cube {
active = false;
hovered = false;

onBeforeRender(event: NgtBeforeRenderEvent<THREE.Mesh>) {
event.object.rotation.x += 0.01;

/* SceneGraph code */

/* AppComponent code */

Familiar, right? This is one of the goals of NGT. Interact with the cube now and see the magic

  • (click), (pointerover), and (pointerout) look like DOM events but they are not. These events are named as such to give a sense of familiarity to Angular developers.
  • These events automatically calls changeDetectorRef.detectChanges so we can update states (eg: hovered and active).

Now that our cube is interactive and fun, we can render another demo-cube to double the fun. But first, we need to add a position input so we can show both Cube in different positions on the Scene.

/* imports */

selector: 'demo-cube',
standalone: true,
template: `
(click)="active = !active"
(pointerover)="hovered = true"
(pointerout)="hovered = false"
[scale]="active ? 1.5 : 1"
<ngt-box-geometry />
<ngt-mesh-basic-material [color]="hovered ? 'darkred' : 'red'" />
export class Cube {
@Input() position = [0, 0, 0];

active = false;
hovered = false;

onBeforeRender(event: NgtBeforeRenderEvent<THREE.Mesh>) {
event.object.rotation.x += 0.01;

standalone: true,
template: `
<demo-cube [position]="[1.5, 0, 0]" />
<demo-cube [position]="[-1.5, 0, 0]" />
imports: [Cube],
export class SceneGraph {}

/* AppComponent code */

and voila, we have 2 Cube that have their own states, and reacting to events independently.

Adding lights

Our cubes are interactive, but they look bland. They don't look like 3D objects at the moment, because they lack Light Reflections.

First, let's switch out <ngt-mesh-basic-material> for <ngt-mesh-standard-material>

/* imports */

selector: 'demo-cube',
standalone: true,
template: `
/* mesh properties/events */
<ngt-box-geometry />
- <ngt-mesh-basic-material [color]="hovered ? 'darkred' : 'red'" />
+ <ngt-mesh-standard-material [color]="hovered ? 'darkred' : 'red'" />
export class Cube {
/* component code */

/* SceneGraph code */

/* AppComponent code */

We can check the Scene now and notice that our cubes are pitch black. This is because MeshStandardMaterial is a material that needs to be lit up by lights. Imagine a dark room with no lights, any object would be black. Our scene background just happens to be "white" by default.

Next, let's start adding lights to our SceneGraph component

/* imports */

/* Cube code */

standalone: true,
template: `
<ngt-ambient-light [intensity]="0.5" />
<ngt-spot-light [position]="10" [angle]="0.15" [penumbra]="1" />
<ngt-point-light [position]="-10" />

<demo-cube [position]="[1.5, 0, 0]" />
<demo-cube [position]="[-1.5, 0, 0]" />
imports: [Cube],
export class SceneGraph {}

/* AppComponent code */

We can always look at THREE.js documentations for details on these THREE.js lights

Our cubes look a lot better now, with dimensionality, showing they are 3D objects.

Bonus: Taking control of the camera

Who hasn't tried to "grab" the scene and move it around? We cannot do that yet as our Camera is static in its position. Let's take over the Camera with OrbitControls.

First, let's install three-stdlib, which provides OrbitControls object

npm i three-stdlib

Next, we'll update our code as follow

/* imports */
import { NgtCanvas, extend, NgtBeforeRenderEvent, NgtStore, NgtArgs } from 'angular-three';
import { OrbitControls } from 'three-stdlib';

extend({ OrbitControls });

/* Cube code */

standalone: true,
template: `
<ngt-ambient-light [intensity]="0.5" />
<ngt-spot-light [position]="10" [angle]="0.15" [penumbra]="1" />
<ngt-point-light [position]="-10" />

<demo-cube [position]="[1.5, 0, 0]" />
<demo-cube [position]="[-1.5, 0, 0]" />

<ngt-orbit-controls *args="[camera, glDom]" [enableDamping]="true" />
imports: [Cube, NgtArgs],
export class SceneGraph {
private readonly store = inject(NgtStore);
readonly camera ='camera');
readonly glDom ='gl', 'domElement');

/* AppComponent code */
  • We call inject(NgtStore) to inject an object which stores all information about the Canvas.
    • We extract camera and the gl.domElement from the NgtStore
  • We import OrbitControls from three-stdlib and call extend() with it so our catalogue knows about OrbitControls, allowing us to render <ngt-orbit-controls>
  • OrbitControls needs two constructor arguments; new OrbitControls(camera, domElement). That's what *args directive is for.
    • We set enableDamping on the OrbitControls to true so we have a smooth experience when we move the Camera around.

That's it! That concludes our tutorial.

What's next?

  • Try different Geometries, different colors, different Lights
  • Try placing more demo-cube in different positions
  • Immerse yourself in THREE.js documentation