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What is Angular Three (NGT)?

NGT is a custom Renderer that renders THREE.js entities instead of DOM elements. Developers can leverage their Angular skills to build 3D scenes declaratively by tapping into Angular features.


It is recommended that developers should get familiar with both Angular and THREE.js before starting with NGT

What is the difference between NGT and React Three Fiber (R3F)?

Fundamentally, NGT and R3F are both custom renderers. Technically, there are differences between Angular Renderer and React Reconciler. That said, R3F is a huge inspiration for NGT. Many code from R3F are brought over to NGT and adjusted to work with Angular. NGT APIs are intentionally left similar to those from R3F so that developers who have experience with R3F can also work with NGT without much friction.

Why a Renderer?

In the past, Angular Three was a Component Library via the name @angular-three/core. However, a Component Library suffers greatly from frequent THREE.js updates. There are trade-offs but Angular Three decides to take the approach of a Renderer to ensure optimal compatibilities with THREE.js as well as maintenance cost over the time.

What does the code look like?


Play with a Scene with a re-useable component which has its own states, events, and inputs

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Scene } from './scene.component';
import { NgtCanvas } from 'angular-three';

selector: 'my-app',
standalone: true,
template: `<ngt-canvas [sceneGraph]="Scene" />`,
imports: [NgtCanvas],
export class AppComponent {
readonly Scene = Scene;
  • NGT requires Angular 14+ for Standalone APIs
  • All examples will be written with Standalone APIs and inject()